

Featured image for “Budget Recap”

Budget Recap

The Liberal government’s first budget, Growing the Middle Class, was delivered Tuesday by the Honourable Bill Morneau, Minister of Finance.…
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Featured image for “Keeping You on Your Tax Toes”

Keeping You on Your Tax Toes

It’s March which means T4s (statements of remuneration paid) and T5s (statements on interest and dividends paid) have all been…
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Featured image for “Personal Retreats Revisited”

Personal Retreats Revisited

I was recently asked by some friends to outline my personal retreat.  I have completed my 16th annual retreat and…
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Featured image for “To RRSP or Not to RRSP, That Is The Question”

To RRSP or Not to RRSP, That Is The Question

It’s RRSP season.  Many of us invest in our RRSPs annually almost out of habit. Let’s toy with some numbers.…
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Featured image for “A Few Proverbs”

A Few Proverbs

My father once told me, “Smart people learn from their experiences.  Really smart people learn from the experiences of others.”…
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Featured image for “Open for Business”

Open for Business

A short while ago our partner group went on a retreat.  We rented a big house and spent a few…
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Featured image for “The Pre(tend)-Post-Mortem”

The Pre(tend)-Post-Mortem

It is hard to be optimistic about the Canadian economy today.  Reports are negative.  The Canadian dollar is losing value. …
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Featured image for “Year End Tax Planning III”

Year End Tax Planning III

Registered Retirement Savings Plan contributions to be deductible for 2015 do not need to be made by December 31, 2015. …
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Featured image for “Year End Tax Planning II”

Year End Tax Planning II

Shares with unrealized capital losses in your investment portfolio must be sold in order to use the loss.  The shares…
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Featured image for “Year End Tax Planning I”

Year End Tax Planning I

A number of items are deductible only if they are actually paid. An example is a charitable donation.  For a…
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Featured image for “Nicholas Winton”

Nicholas Winton

I discovered Nicholas Winton this week.  I had never heard of him before.  In 1939 he saved 669 Czechoslovakian children…
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Featured image for “Taking Security”

Taking Security

In 1999 we suggested that if you had a shareholder loan to your company, you should secure it with a…
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