Co-signing a Loan? You Might Want to ReconsiderI am a Licensed Insolvency Trustee with Lazer Grant Inc. and have been assisting people in financial crisis for over…
Words of EncouragementI’ve got a folder in my office of compliments that I’ve received over the years here at work. Is it…
Good out of BadIn the movie, Little Miss Sunshine, Frank is speaking to his nephew who is in the throes of teenage angst.…
Modern-Day PlaguePicture with me, if you will, a church. At the altar, amidst a group of well-dressed young people stands the…
Staying on TrackMy husband retired a short while ago. With less household income and more time on his hands, we wanted to…
Advice TakenCounseling is a mandatory part of the insolvency process for the majority of personal insolvency debtors. The sessions are designed…
Avoiding BankruptcyDo you have a friend, partner, associate or acquaintance who is feeling the financial woes or struggling financially? Trying to…
Advertisements: Buyer BewareRelaxing in front of the television, perusing social media, or walking around town, we’re bombarded with ads telling us what…
The Pendulum SwingsMany, many years ago, when someone went bankrupt, there was no standard requiring the individual to contribute to their bankruptcy…
Walking the TalkPersonal Bankruptcy Administrator Do you budget, or are you one of those people who think budgeting is only for those…
MythconceptionsTrustee in Bankruptcy Chances are, if someone’s telling you about their pregnancy or medical experience, it’s about something exceptional that…