
Playing at Work

Date: Nov 5, 2015
By: Joel Lazer, FCPA, FCA, CIRP

At Lazer Grant, we don’t just work.  We play.  We play games to win.  And when we win we get a prize.  We have fun and we are more successful as a firm because the games help our systems and, as a result, we are able to assist more people.

We’re in the midst of a game right now.  Want to help?  We want to increase the number of people with whom we share our knowledge and experience.  Our game objective is to grow our circulation of these articles.   Here’s what you can do:  invite others to subscribe to them.

We have a challenging target:  to get to 3,500 subscribers.  We’re at 1,100 now.  If we win, everyone at Lazer Grant will get extra time off at Christmas and dinner at 529 Wellington.

The prizes aren’t the real win; they’re incentive only.  The real win is helping our clients and others to grow.  We’ve got a lot to share – please help us share with others.

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