
Credit and Accomplishments

Date: Oct 23, 2018
By: Joel Lazer, FCPA, FCA, CIRP

Harry S. Truman said, “It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit.”

I observed that truth from the basketball team Orlando Magic in their innovation lab. Who would have guessed a basketball team would have an innovation lab? To quote Scott Kirsner, editor and co-founder of Innovation Leader, an innovation lab is “a new kind of physical environment that companies create, and generally the mission is to serve as a focal point for innovation programs and activities.”

Ego, credit, recognition, positive feedback – these are all natural desires of the heart. Entrepreneurs or owners with the passion, skills, knowledge and ideas that they have, can create an innovation lab in their own business culture. But wanting the credit can be a deterrence to planning and implementation. If we can get beyond that, then when the company and our people grow, thrive and exceed expectations, often just knowing that you were behind so much of it can be gratification enough.

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